That Moment

Black And White Photography, David, Photography

Emily Laughs

I called this post “That Moment” I actually call the picture “Emily Laughs.”

Let me explain.  Some of you may have read my blog already.  If not here is a story.  The Nikon D700 had just hit the market.  A mate had one and it was the “all-singing-all-dancing” camera at that time.  I nearly purchased one.   I just happened to start reading about Leica and the M6.  That’s what I wanted my dream camera from the 80’s.  I then found out they had a new Leica MP an all manual do it yourself total contrast to the Nikon.  What I knew best then was film.  I chose the Leica.  Then the feelings of  “Have I done the right thing?”  started to worm their way into my head.  To make a long story short when I saw this picture, It was that moment I knew I had made the right choice.

Leica MP

Summicron 50 mm f2.0 Ver III (Now sold)

Film Ilford XP2 at 400 ASA

Natural light.

14 thoughts on “That Moment

  1. With your talent you could have captured this shot with a pinhole camera you made yourself! As they (who the heck are “they”?) say, it’s not the equipment that makes a photographer. It’s the eye, the heart!


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